We invited over to our house for dinner. To attack the cultural desert of Siem Reap. Not that we suffer a lack of offers, but most of them, except the angkor mini golf park, are connected to the abnormal lives of travellers, backpackers, independent travellers and the ordinary away ulcerating bum – in the former days summoned up as tourists, hangover for next days or just the feast of its boredom to confirm the commercial bleeding. And we have friends in town now. With friends comes responsibility, entertainment, sharing social excitements. And hedonism. So we invited for dinner, pieced up some salads to a buffet and Kayo baked a chocolate tart. We don´t have an oven. Baking frequently with an average temperature during the year of 30°C and an humidity of nearly 80% is not that much fun. Cheese melting. Fatty bubbling. Creamy rich heaviness resting in peace and constipation. But chocolate tart! With whipped cream. Two three slices of, hell who thinks about twice? But no oven. You understand now my suprise arriving back home from shopping and smelling the place sated of sweetness. And it came out of the rice cooker. My first reaction is mostly no reaction. I am not surprised as I try not to compare with my cultural background and be staggered that the rest of the world is doing things differently than how I got brainwashed. Second step hence deciding if I want to feel now impressed and inspired or just accept the variety of choices and options. And if you dig deeper and discover why things are different, you not only state its qualification – of course, but also its logical evolution – as evolution is though always logic. In Japan people manage their privacy in very tight spaces. Rent is high especially in the big cities. But even on the countryside I haven´t seen lots of spacious private rooms. Private rooms where for example is easy space enough for an oven in the kitchen. A rice cooker you will find in every productive household. It#s the meat hammer of Germany. So why not misuse things which are there. In Germany people shake their heads already if you slice your pizza with a scissor, not burning your fingers or having half of the topping across the plate. In Japan they would probably too. What counts, the cake tasted fucking incredible!!! Thinking is only efficient for good and logic if you don´t follow manuals and instructions. So bake your cake in your rice cooker? You don´t have a rice cooker? Than don´t eat rice.