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Around 15 years ago, during my first travels here in Asia, I ran into a swedish guy, in Singapore. Thinking twice I am quite sure there were two of them. At least. Punks. Yesterday I tried to remember their names. I remembered they were on the mission to discover the fastest and hardest band on this planet. I remember the relief I felt meeting people with a normal taste of music. I remember I quite liked one of them. We kept in touch for a while after. The classy traveler bond, lasts a lifetime but is nonviable off the road. Still, these bonds are rare and precious.
Today in the morning a friend from Germany messaged me, touring in Europe with his band GWLT, he is chatting guy named Matthias, a friend of the band Modern Life Is War, they are on the road with. My friend had to promise him to message me right away. Matthias met a guy from Germany 15 years ago, in Singapore.

All of you who stay in their limits, borders and fears, stay – these limits, borders and fears are not yours, they are real, but they didn´t create you. What created you was you and you are nothing. So get on your feet and experience the wonders of wandering! Oh wait, you know what, I don´t care, see you when you see me.